How much passive income have I made with Brave Browser and how you can do the same?
Oct 23, 2022
A year ago, I went on a mission to find the best ad-blocking software for my phone and PC, to improve my mobile browsing experience, as viewing content online turned into a horrible experience filled with ads.
That's when I discovered Brave Browser.
それは私がブレーブ・ブラウザを 発見したときです。
The main selling point of Brave is to offer a safe browsing experience while not gathering personal data about its users like Google does and splitting the revenue from “Brave Private Ads” with you. As the Brave Rewards page says:
ブレーブの主なセールスポイントはそのユーザーについてグーグルがするように個人情報を集めたりしないで、あなたと「ブレーブの私的広告」からの収益を分ける一方で、安全なブラウジングしている経験を提供します。 ブレーブの報酬ページが次のように言うように:
“Earn tokens by viewing Brave Private Ads. Ads presented are based on your interests, as inferred from your browsing behavior. No personal data or browsing history ever leaves your browser.”
「ブレーブの私的な広告を見ることによってトークンを稼いでください。 提示される広告はあなたの閲覧する振る舞いから推論されるあなたの関心に基づいています。個人のデータや 閲覧履歴があなたのブラウザに決して残りません。」
Ever since I found out, that I can have the majority of ads blocked and control how many “Brave Private Ads” are shown to me per day to earn a small passive income, I was hooked. So, I downloaded the app to my phone and PC to test it out. You get rewarded for viewing ads in Basic Attention Token (BAT).
広告の大部分をブロックし、1日に何回表示されるか「Brave Private Ads」をコントロールできるかを知り、少額の不労所得を得ることができると知って以来、私は夢中になりました。そこで、アプリを携帯電話とPCにダウンロードしてテストしました。広告を表示すると基本注目トークン(BAT)で報酬がもらえます。
But before I talk about my experience and how much I made over a period of one year, let's look at the native token of Brave Browser first.
Basic Attention Token
As the name suggests, Basic Attention Tokens are rewards for your attention. As you are shown ads (that are barely noticeable and are shown on your home page or via pop-up notifications) you'll get rewarded with a small amount of BAT.
Your BAT balance is slowly being added to your “browser wallet” every month based on the number of seen ads. You can see the amount by clicking the triangle icon on the right side of the search bar.
The token itself can be withdrawn and sold like a regular cryptocurrency or donated to support content creators eligible to receive brave rewards through tips or monthly subscriptions.
BAT withdrawal process
To withdraw BAT, you need to connect your Brave Browser to one of the supported wallets (either. Uphold, Gemini or bitFlyer) based on your location.
BATを引き出すには、現在地に基づいてサポートされているウォレットの1つにブレーブ ブラウザーを接続する必要があります。(Uphold、Gemini、または bitFlyerのいずれか)。
To withdraw Basic Attention Tokens you need to have a KYC exchange connected like Uphold or Gemini.